Thursday, January 8, 2015

Raquel Rodriguez: Interview

"When you think of soul music, "attitude" isn't the first thing that always comes to mind. That's not to say the genre couldn't use a little spunk though—especially in this day and age. Thankfully, Los Angeles singer Raquel Rodriguez and her band play soul how it was always meant to be played. Their upcoming 2015 full-length album is on it’s way and it’s a fresh and funky sound." 

In terms of your music career how would you say 2014 has treated you?

2014 was definitely a year of learning for me. We went on a lot of trips to different states for shows, played a few festivals, went on tour, released some new music and videos, etc, and in each endeavor, I struggled a little bit, but was ultimately happy with the end result. 2014 also made me realize that I’m doing exactly what I want to be doing, but in 2015 I just want to be doing more of it and using the knowledge I gained in 2014.

What did you learn on your summer tour?

My West Coast Soul Tour of Summer 2014 was amazing! Some shows were more intense than others, but for the most part, we had an awesome crowd and a lot of fun. Our tour was not like most. We booked it independently and got to do a lot of extracurricular activities outside of playing our music. We went sailing a couple times in Wisconsin, hung out in the French Quarter of New Orleans, ate deep dish in Chicago, it was a lot of fun. I think the highlight of the tour was the festival we played in Wisconsin, Mile of Music. We had a total of 3 shows over the course of the weekend and each show was filled to the brim with people. We gained so many friends and fans during that festival and everyone was so completely nice.
We loved it! All in all, the tour was a successful one and I can’t wait to do it again! 

Do you have any funny memories from your previous live shows? 

There are definitely some hilarious moments within the band that I would probably get in trouble for if I shared them. Aside from the band humor though, there’s always that funny guy (or gal) at each show that will do something crazy. Whether it’s coming up and kissing my cheek, high fiving me, letting me sign their boobs, grinding on me or using their body for me to play tambourine on, they always seem to make the show that much better. People love being included in the show so I always try to make them feel that they are. 

When you go touring which cities give you the most love? 

Surprisingly enough, Wisconsin has shown us some amazing love. There has never been a show that hasn’t been packed the last few times we’ve played there. I always sell the most merch there and spend the most time talking to all the people after the shows. Some other cities that show major love are obviously Los Angeles, my homewtown <3 , Austin, New York, Fresno and San Francisco amongst a few others. We’re waiting for all the other cities to catch up ;) 

You released an album titled "Miss Me" last year but now what's next for you? 

I’ve actually been working on a lot of new music throughout 2014 so I’m excited to share that I’ll be releasing another album in the late summer of 2015. We’ll have some cool releases leading up to the album to give a little taste of what the full album will sound like. 

Why did you choose to title your album "Miss Me"? 

The title track, Miss Me, was sort of an anthem song about being appreciated only after a relationship has ended. In my specific situation (may or may not be real life), I left a guy because he was an a**hole and after we broke up he wanted me back. Long story short, I wanted him to miss me and in the end, he did. After all was said and done with the album, this song was the most powerful for me so I decided to name the album after it. A lot of the songs have a similar theme, so it felt right. 

How often do you incorporate the people you've met into your songs? 

Most of the songs I write are about people in my life. Sometimes the song will start off about them and then it’ll take a turn and I’ll start using my imagination. Other times it will be pure imagination or observation of other people’s situations. The song Always I wrote about my family. I talk about all of them (mom, dad and two brothers) in different verses, but what I wrote is something that I can’t necessarily talk to them about. It’s about growing and becoming more independent, but at the same time, letting them know that I can’t do it without them. My family will always be my backbone and their support and love has surpassed any expectations I’ve ever had of them. 

Guilty pleasures?

Food, for sure. Unhealthy food more specifically. Wings, weed, beer, cheese, chick flicks, Gilmore Girls, anything on Netflix really. 

What are your favorite things to do in LA?

I was born and raised in Los Angeles, so the attraction to the city has always been there for me. It’s nothing new. I love Los Angeles and I always will. I love going to shows here, there’s always amazing music. I love trying hole in the wall restaurants, checking out the local bars, brunching, beaching, BBQ’ing, all that stuff. I also like to just chill at home and watch movies or write music with Sam. 

Lastly which small time musicians in LA would you like to give a shout out to?

I think all the musicians I know deserve a shout out because every single one of them is killing it and is on the come up. Some of the musicians in my close circle are obviously my band: Sam Brawner, Jamey Arent, Nick Campbell, Tim McKay, Brandyn Phillips, Andris Mattson, Nikos Syropoulos and anyone that has played with me over the last year or so. The bands that I want to shout out are also friends of mine that are taking over the LA music scene: Anderson Paak, Moonchild, Pinot, Bear Attack ,Vulfpeck, Huxlee, Caught a Ghost… the list could go on. Good thing you said from Los Angeles or you’d have a novel of bands I want to shout out.

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