What's your definition of music?
Well, it's kinda hard to put it in words. It's more of a feeling you have to experience to understand what it is. It's timeless. Music is the way to expand your mind. It can be perceived very individual and therefore be something very personal to each one of us. It's so impressive to me that music is able to take control over us while we're either creating or perceiving it. It's so powerful and yet there's something so innocent about music. It is hiding until you open it up yourself. Yeah, it's something you just fall into and get lost in. I think to understand what music is, you gotta trust. Because you never know what happens.
At what age or moment did you start taking music seriously?
Actually there was no certain point in my life I started taking music seriously. As a little kid I was never conscious of how much in need of it I am and how important it is to me because music was something so self evident that has always been part of my life. So I've always perceived music as something valuable and serious. Whether I was aware of it or not.
Which musicians have inspired your sound?

How have people responded to your YouTube covers and your own songs on Soundcloud?
People on Youtube responded very differently to my covers. I started putting up videos when I was about 15 and I had no clue about how I wanted to present myself or how people were perceiving my music and videos on Youtube. I started more for myself, I was trying out a lot while putting it out on public. I had people telling me how to be and how not to be... I had all kind of responses really, from negative to positive. It was all interesting to me. You know, watching a video can help and provide a feeling but sometimes it can put the music in the back, too. People on Soundcloud are giving me a lot of positive feedback which makes me feel motivated to give even more. I enjoy putting up my music on Soundcloud because you can completely focus on the music itself and nothing else.
Which producers would you like to work with?
A lot honestly, a lot of different producers. I'm currently working with different ones. Well, I don't wanna say a lot. Be patient and stay tuned my friends.
Although you live in Berlin right now do you plan on moving once your music career grows?
Yes, I'm definitely planning to move out of Berlin once my music career grows. New York is my goal, I decided it for myself when I was 14. The urge and curiosity for something completely new keeps growing and I wanna see myself trying and making moves.
How would you describe life in Berlin?
Berlin is a city full of different people and cultures. You have a lot of opportunities. Considered from the outside, Berlin seems to be a very free place. Yeah, kind of easy going the city itself. On the other hand I feel people over here are very stressed and uptight. They can also be quiet rude to be honest. That's something I almost enjoy though. Sometimes I just sit in the train and watch all these peoples faces and I feel some kind of dissatisfaction. However, I'm actually very glad I spent my last 10 years growing up in Berlin. I'm thankful for what I learned in this city. Still i have to say that i realize more and more that the way I developed over the years and the way I think about things and life made me want to reach out for something completely different from what I'm used to. It feels like I haven't arrived home yet. Not at all.. And i feel more and more that it's time to move out to go experience different places and mentalities. I need to go places where I have the chance to get deeper into the music scene I am interested in.
Why is it important to express yourself through music?
Because there is no other way for me to fully express my thoughts and just myself as a whole. There is so much inside me that I can't put into words, that's why it is so important to me to express myself through music. It helps me to expand my mind and to discover so much. Music is what I need to grow as a person and also what I need to give. To reach and connect with people is seriously the best feeling in this world to me. It makes me feel so good. So good, that I realized it's what I need to keep myself alive. To express myself through music is not something I chose or what I like to do, it's what i need to do to keep going.
Throughout your 19 years of life what's the most important thing you've learned so far?
That's a hard question. I would probably say, to trust myself. To be able to come back to yourself by the end of the day and know that all you need is trust in yourself. Between all the chaos in this world, your surrounding and people telling you what's right and what's wrong, you gotta be able to remind yourself of the power you own and that it's you deciding what's right and what's wrong and it's you moving forward at the end. Get inspired and most importantly, listen to what people say while you're still able to go back into your mind and think for yourself and trust yourself.
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