Thursday, September 11, 2014

Foliage: Interview

Screw the intro.
We all know you came here for the interview so lets get started!

Please Enjoy!

What got you interested in creating music?

Well, it was early 2014 and my best friend and I had made a bet. We've always been heavily into music and decided to try our hand at songwriting. We both promised we'd release something (or at least try to release something) by the end of the year. I kept my end of the deal, he did not. I was also interested in doing it because I feel the music scene over here is really derivative and bland with the massive amount of rap, indie, punk, and ska artists here. It's an overflow of same and I think that's just so idiotic and unoriginal.

What kind of artist would you classify yourself as?

I'd classify myself as a pretty independent artist. I prefer working alone. Even when recording. Sure the whole band aesthetic is nice, but i'll save that for live purposes. Joining the live band will be my 3 best friends (and a bassist, which I still haven't found yet). I feel the independence of writing your own music and recording it yourself at home is more true to heart. No stress on anyone else. ❀ Foliage ❀ started as an intimate bedroom solo project, I intend on keeping it that way for the future as well. Maybe one day i'll leave the bedroom, but it will always be me on my own.

Can you describe life in San Bernardino? Did you live in San Bernardino as a child if so how was it?

San Bernardino is literally one of the worst places in California, if not, the entire US.  Everything about it is disgusting. This city is bankrupt, dirty, lifeless, basically nothing at all. And it will not improve. This city has grown worse and worse every year. This is a place where you will get robbed in broad daylight and nobody will care. Even sadder, the cops don't do much around here to enforce, because it's just going to happen again. Prostitutes and druggies everywhere. You ever hear that "haha dude, go stand on the corner" referencing prostitution? Yeah, that's literal here. I grew up here all my life. I guess I live more on the Rialto side of California rather than San Bernardino, but it's still basically San Bernardino minus the gang violence and hookers everywhere. 

Are you surprised by all the great feedback you have received with only a few tracks posted to Soundcloud?

I actually am surprised with all the feedback my music has gotten. It started as nothing serious. I wasn't expecting so many people to like it (since so many people are unfamiliar with the genre and aesthetic dreamy/gazey-ish music has to offer). But people loved it. I expected maybe just a bit of recognition in my town via social media, but there's people all over listening and I think that's really great. Who knew, a 16 year old boy who was always failing in High School and getting in trouble, would be making music at home in his living room getting tons of recognition via the internet? I sure did not picture 2014 like this, but i've definitely accomplished the most in my life this year so far. 

How soon will we be receiving your next project?

Hopefully very soon. Singles had built up a lot of praise over the internet so I decided to release 'URL' to keep people patient (and possibly more excited). I have a lot of the song ideas and demos ready. I've been busy a lot with school recently so I try to take advantage of every weekend or break I can get to record. It's stressful, but will be coming soon. Having to write it all, record it all, produce it all is a pain but that's the price to pay and its worth the outcome.

Is there a central theme you'd like to share with us that revolves your next project?

There's no theme really. I guess you can say my music is really sad. I try to mask the sad emotion with a happy melody. I have a lot of concepts and ideas about the world and society. A lot of stuff running through my head is trying to have as much fun in my youth, wondering too much what the future will hold, and death. My brain is non-stop running with these weird things like afterlife, past lives, what purpose we serve on this Earth, why do we die, why do we dream and are dreams showing us future images, or are they fragments of our memory and thoughts, stuff like that. I guess I can sum it up by saying my music is based around my own ideas on the world and my teenage-hood as well as thinking about the future. Not wanting to get old and be in love and young with your significant other. Love is a stupid thing that I still have yet to experience in life. Maybe we don't need love, maybe we all need time.

Lastly what's your opinion on the internet. Describe both the pros and cons.

Well the internet is crazy man haha. I guess I can say the pros are getting yourself out there. Talking to a piece of space and sharing your life with the web that somehow gets slapped back to you via your computer screen, phone or whatever you use. The cons are a lot of weird/crazy people going on about nonsense. You know, teenage girls complaining about how they don't have the latest iPhone or how they "need that Lana Del Rey record" because Lana is 'bae'. It makes me cringe seeing stuff like this, especially in my hometown. I feel as if my music recognition comes from other places, not my hometown. My city could care less about any musician unless you're Alex Turner or any other typical mainstream "indie" artist (yes, with quotation marks). To sum it up, the internet is basically sharing your opinion on something and ranting about whatever is bothering you. People will hate you, people will love you, but who cares? Get off the web and go outside for a change.


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