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I know you from twitter as “George Mango” but what is your real name? Where does the mango come from? Is your father’s last name mango and was he a mango? Family reunions must be really weird for you…
G: I come from a long line of mangoes.. My mother was a mango, father was a human with the last name Mango. The rest.. well you know it.

How many aliases do you have?
G: Currently I am under Sid Slacker (Radhands), Solus Evering (Solus), and LiL G. Now I myself am Guy Torres but I really love to channel characters I create. why? well I have a very big imagination, always have since I was little and since I also work in film, creating characters is kind of my thing. it’s also an easy way to say some of the things I want to say but choose not to and saying it through a character just makes it easier. So at the moment LiL G isn’t of much use to me and my two main acts I’m working with are Radhands and Solus.
Describe yourself in three words.
G: weird, sensitive, and friendly
What genres of music have you worked in?
G: I started off doing rap, mainly because it was easy and just a fun thing to do (LiL G). I am now doing more indie, indie rock, experimental, and even a little dream-pop. Which is definitely stuff I have always dreamed of making and now it has all caught up with me and I’m glad to be doing it.
One nation under Kanye? Are we all children of Kanye?
G: I pray to thee almighty Yeezus when I wake, before every meal, before every marijuana, and before I sleep.
Who are your favorite rappers?
G: kid cudi is my all time favorite, I respect all he does and he is one of my biggest inspirations. tyler, the creator, ab-soul, mf doom, tech n9ne, and childish gambino. I love me some kanye of course but honestly I’m not even big on rap anymore.
How would you describe your flow and singing voice?
G: It’s a mixture of fergie and jesus.
Why the use of so many voice modifiers?
G: I really just love experimenting and I love making weird stuff and modifiers amplifies the sound I am looking for.
Which project did you enjoy creating the most?
G: Of the projects I have put out, it would be Acid Flowers since it was the first tape to get me back into music and into it the way I want to be in it.
but i have some new tapes coming out and DUDE is definitely my favorite project.
Do you make your films and songs for entertainment purposes or to leave listeners/audiences thinking?
G: I don’t know to be honest, I’d have to say that everything I do in film/music is something I want to see or listen to. I like to get artsy, I like to get deep, I like to have fun, I like some nonsense,I like character development. I just kind of let projects flow through me and evaluate when I’m done.
You once told me that you are more interested in doing films. Which directors have inspired you the most?
G: Christopher Nolan is a favorite of mine, J.J. Abrams, Steven Spielberg, Peter Jackson. I’m a sucker for those big named directors because i’ve grown up on them.
What film genres are you most drawn to?
G: I was always a fan of horror but sadly it’s a trashed genre now. so I am just really drawn to anything that makes me feel, makes me excited, and just pays respect to film.
G: The Departed no doubt, that movie is gold!
Martin Scorsese is known for using real life people that were around him to create his films. Do you do the same in terms of music and films? If so can you give me some sort of example?
G: I guess in music I use it while writing lyrics. in film I do use it for ways want a certain character to look or certain traits from my friends that i put into certain characters. so I think I answered the question right, but yes.
Films that everyone should see?
G: I’m gonna say my favorite movie I recommend would be Scott Pilgrim vs. The World but four
films I recommend that get the most emotions out of me would be Drive, Seven Pounds, MILK, and The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.
Back Door Sluts 9 or Back Door Sluts 8?
G: I’m more of a Muppets Gone Wild guy.
Why do you create music projects in one day?
G: I just get all my creative flow in one sitting and it leads to making the instrumentals, writing the lyrics, recording, doing all the naming stuff and I just like to get out of my life and move on to the next project.
Aren't you afraid people won't take you serious if you make projects so quickly?
G: People don’t take me serious to begin with, I don’t want to be taken serious, I want to live, have fun, make my memories and making projects and sending them out quickly satisfies me and I really am only living to satisfy myself (mostly).
Malcolm X once said "you aint shit if you aint never struggled, you gotta put in hard work before you flex your muscles" would you agree with this quote?
G: I agree, the best people are the ones that come out of struggles.
*Actually Malcolm X never said that* Domo Genesis said that on the track Robes from the excellent album PiƱata by Freddie Gibbs and Madlib. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bK4IeKx7ljM
Upcoming projects?
G: I have three Radhands projects dropping very soon, DUDe (July 31st), Empty Tracks (Aug. 15th), and RADHANDS (Aug. 29th) .
Explain Tender Kids? What is your state of mind when creating a track under Tender Kids?
G: Tender Kids is just.. Tender Kids. my state of mind is just really, music. I can’t say for sure.
You are a fan of drugs?
G: I am, drugs definitely do things to you normal life can’t and also changes you in great or bad ways but I am a fan of all the things drugs do for me.
Why drugs not hugs?
G: Drugs are cool, hugs are for wimps (just kidding, i love hugs and drugs equally).
What's the most interesting drug story you have?
G: I have this crazy hells bells story that I don’t really want to take the time to remember and share but it was my craziest, glad I survived the day. also, anytime doing lsd is a story, but a story for the user.
Explain VoiceMail Records.
It’s more a collective, just spreading music of great artists I know and just an easier way of sharing everyone’s music on one site. voicemailrecords.bandcamp.com
Lastly what keeps you driven to make music? Where do you hope your music and films will take you?

In the end, we’re all just trying to please ourselves. so why make music for anyone else?
My Twitter: https://twitter.com/Indigiiio
George's Twitter: http://Twitter.com/georgemango
Soundcloud: http://Soundcloud.com/georgemango
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