Daniel Moore A.K.A. Da Goon God A.K.A. Space Gang A.K.A. Wyte Bwoy A.K.A. Dissociative Narcissist.
I'm 24 years old, I have anxiety and a spotty high school education. I make beats, ambient music and fart noises.
Where are you from?
Marlton, a small suburb in the fuckin hellish pit of Jersey.
There isn't a huge music presence in my area. Mostly just pop punk/metal bands and an abundance of generic Fruity Loop trap producers. Which is totally fine, I don't knock anyone's style or preference, but there isn't a whole lot of diversity to speak of you know?
If you could move to any music scene in the world where would you go and why?
It sounds typical as fuck but I'd love to move -NEAR- L.A. I feel like my music would do well out there. Even though its over saturated with producers/musicians, I couldn't picture a better place. Not to mention all the awesome artists and venues in that area.
Why do you create music?
At first it was a combination of boredom and no creative outlet. Then it became something i relied on for balance and a sense of purpose. It's nice to be able to create something and feel proud of it. Im grateful that people enjoy my music.
What do you hope to accomplish in 2015?
I want to collaborate a lot with friends I've met through the internet. There are some fuckin genius artists out there that just don't seem to be getting any spotlight and I want to do whatever i can to make sure people notice them. I would also like to help get more exposure on the L.A. based "Dome Of Doom" label ((http://domeofdoom.org) that has been putting out my work since the beginning, headed by my good friend Wylie Cable. He's done so much for me and puts on some really cool artists like Eraserfase, Phedee, Particle Kid, Ahee, 100 Onces, just to name a few.
Quitting cigarettes this year would be nice too.
Are there any rappers, singers, or producers you would like to work with?
Rappers: Zeroh, Kami De Chukwu and Frank Leone for sure
Singers: Mothica, Vonne, Raheaven, Swoonz
Producers: Dibia$e, Wasaaga, ILL SUGI, Slugabed, Ruff Draft
When creating a song how do you find a specific sound or mood you're aiming for?
Most of the time I'm just aimlessly clicking around youtube for samples to be honest. My process is never the same and I think thats why a lot of my songs float between boom bap sample beats and random ambient/chill out music. I never try to create a concrete style of sound, I like to be all over the place.
Which producers have inspired you the most?
A condensed list of my favorites would have to be: flying lotus, madlib, baths, shlohmo, shigeto, tycho, boards of canada, slugabed, dibia$e, elaquent and juj.
My influences are very scattered, which is why my soundcloud is riddled with lots of different styles. I try to be as diverse as I can.
How has the internet benefited you?
If it wasn't for twitter or soundcloud I wouldn't be able to share my music with people. I'm thankful for growing up in a generation where expanding and reaching out to people is so simple and easy to manage. I couldn't imagine having to do something like this before social networking sites.
What about the internet do you dislike?
The internet gives you a really good look at how diverse humans can be. There are a lot of good people out there for sure, but in the same breath it's not difficult to see how many disgusting, ignorant inbreeds exist as well. I see a lot of sexist/racist/you-name-it dehumanizing things on there and it's depressing. Y'all need jesus.
Lastly what can we expect with the Goon Spirit EP?
The Goon Spirit EP is full of sample-based boom bap, something I feel like i'm mostly known for. I've really enjoyed making this style of music since I started producing. I'm planning on releasing maybe two or three beat tapes this year, Goon Spirit being one of them.
This year I'd really like to focus on my recent ideas for a side project though, dedicated to the more ambient/sound-scapey tracks I've been working on. There will be more info on all that later in the year. I don't think anyone will be expecting the sounds I've been creating recently.